Ron Herron - Specialist, Stand-up Comedy

Ron Herron can be reached by calling: (973) 763-0591, extension 16
Ronald L. Herron comes to First Class Entertainment as an established talent manager, and continues to manage comedians, actors, models and musicians all over the country. With over 20 years of experience managing people, Ron’s expertise in the field of management has made him very successful in the world of showbiz. Aside from managing talent, Ron also produces events, fundraisers and has three monthly industry shows – two in NYC and one on Long Island where he showcases some of the New York City metro area’s hottest talent. Ron also is active with the LA School of Comedy in Los Angeles.
Ron served in the United States Army from February 1997 until September 2001 and credits his time in the military for changing his life. After his service, Ron settled on Long Island where he has worked as a management consultant on Long Island and New York City. Ron’s extensive educational background includes Masters Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees, numerous certifications from schools like Thomas Edison State University, Villanova University, Farmingdale State University and Central Texas College and he uses his education along with his business experience to advise his clientele accordingly.
Now at FCE, Ron will specialize in representing a solid roster of stand-up comedians to the cruise industry, as well as an eclectic array of performers to other venues.