It is often said that first impressions last forever, or at least a very long time. That's why at First Class Entertainment, we make it our highest priority to represent the performing artists who are signed with us with professionalism, integrity, and the appropriate level of assertiveness.
Many entertainers from around the world trust in us for their representation to secure work in the areas and venues that they are interested in. In order to truly succeed in the entertainment business, everyone needs a great team of agents and/or managers working on their behalf. We would welcome receiving your promotional materials for consideration, as long as you fit within one of the categories found on our web site under "Talent Roster." This is important as we "do not" book single musicians for work in bands/orchestras, place singers/dancers in production shows, or book lecturers or instructors or DJs. Please also keep in mind that our main booking specialty is for "headline entertainment" within the cruise industry and for performing arts centers, casinos, and corporate events, and that we only work with established entertainers who have an act. Entertainers seeking work aboard cruise ships are required to have a valid passport with at least six months remaining before the expiration date.
Looking for top notch established entertainers, as well as fresh new faces entering the entertainment world has always been our top priority. All entertainers who would like to be considered for representation should submit your electronic press kit to [email protected], or mail the following promotional material to our main office*:
- DVD (NTSC format only)*
- Photo (JPG digital file)
- Biography (digital format)
- Song List (If applicable, digital format)
Attn: New Talent Department
88 South Finley Avenue, Suite B
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920-1439 USA
* All promotional material sent becomes the property of First Class Entertainment, Inc. Please remove your contact information from video footage before sending.
FOLLOWING UP: We politely ask that you please do not call to see if we received your submission. We appreciate everyone that takes the time to send us promotional materials for our consideration, but we receive a large volume of submissions and it takes an extraordinary amount of time to fully view and evaluate each video. If you do not get a response, please do not be discouraged. It may only mean that we have not fully reviewed your materials yet, or that your talents are not on our priority list at the moment. If this is the case, you may choose to resubmit in 3 to 6 months. Also, if you shoot new video footage of your act, then please by all means submit it to us. Remember, you are primarily being evaluated by your video. Your first video may not show us what we are looking for, but your updated video might be exactly what we need to market your talents to our clients.
ARTIST agrees to pay FIRST CLASS ENTERTAINMENT INCORPORATED (AGENT), the said agency, its successors or assignees, a commission of FIFTEEN PERCENT (15%) of gross profits (unless otherwise agreed) from all engagements from contracts procured by AGENT with any cruise line (PRESENTER) (approved for representation) and any extensions thereof unless otherwise agreed. PRESENTERS normally pay AGENT, and then AGENT deducts commission and pays ARTIST the balance. If ARTIST receives payment directly from PRESENTER, then payment for commission is due immediately upon receipt of gross profits. On default on the part of the PRESENTER, "profits" shall include any damages or compensation for breach of agreement recovered from the said PRESENTER arising directly from the aforementioned engagement(s). Any additional time of performances played and paid for by the PRESENTERS in excess of the agreed profits shall be subject to the same commission. ARTIST also agrees to pay commission on further engagements of the ARTIST with the same PRESENTER, its associate companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, or employees, when such re-engagement is MADE within THREE (3) YEARS (unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing) of the expiration of any contracted engagement(s), which both parties further agree is a reasonable amount of time. As long as AGENT is an active and viable company involved in entertainment booking, consulting and producing, all subsequent re-engagements of ARTIST during this period must be negotiated and re-contracted through AGENT. This term is binding upon the ARTIST, irrespective of whether a contract is signed by ARTIST, on behalf of ARTIST, or at all. ARTIST hereby acknowledges that its performance of the engagement constitutes its acceptance of all terms of this agreement. The commission shall be payable in the event of any contracted engagement(s) being transferred to another venue. If payment has been received for services rendered up until the time of an Act of God, this shall not relieve ARTIST for payment obligations regarding commission. It is further understood that all inquiries or requests for re-engagements from any represented PRESENTER cruise line made directly to the ARTIST will be directed to AGENT for negotiation and final approval by ARTIST.