Our Testimonials
"FCE....Unequaled in booking entertainment, no other company even comes close. Ultra-professional acts and smooth, streamlined administration from the staff makes them a true pleasure to work with." - Jerry Castaldo, Singer/Entertainer - 10/02/2017
"We love First Class Entertainment!!! They are a talent friendly agency and so easy to work for and with! Thank you for taking us on!" - Tre Bella, Three part harmony team - 03/30/2017
"Excellent company! Wonderful professionals and the talent is amazing!!" - Kathleen Dunbar, Comedienne - 09/24/2016
"You are a joy to do business with! Thank you for my first cruise!
" - Jane Condon, Comedienne - 11/27/2013
" - Jane Condon, Comedienne - 11/27/2013
"I have been in show business long enough to know how certain things work and it is obvious to me that things happened quickly in large part because of my representation. Thank you both so much. I'm lucky to have you guys on my side. Thank you." - Kermet Apio, Comedian - 10/03/2012
"Thanks for doing what a great agent like yourself does so well, 'REPRESENT.'" - Michael Hilbig (p/k/a Hilby), Juggler - 10/01/2011
"Howard: I have to tell you, of all the agents in the world, how is it that I found one of the very best? I am so grateful to have you on the other end of the phone line. I was speaking with your other act, Baldy and Renetta, today and we both agree we are extremely fortunate to have you as our agent." - Chris Alpine, Comedian - 08/20/2009
"I've always admired your work ethic and approach to both the business & creative side of this sometimes whacky world we call entertainment. I've always enjoyed the many stories as well; always makes me smile. The success of your brand speaks well of you and your leadership." - Stan Stought, Norwegian Cruise Line - 02/07/2008
"It's such a pleasure doing business with you. Your integrity is rare in this business and is much appreciated by me. Thank you!" - Barbara Velasco, Owner, Barbara Velasco Management - 09/16/2007
"You have no idea how much I appreciate, first, that you guys are always watching out for me, and that you don't 'back down.' Even more than that, it is so wonderful to be able to call someone of such experience and class in order to learn more about how to handle certain situations. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that you're there." - Joe Yannetty, Comedian - 03/07/2007
"If you were serious about working the cruise ships, I would like to recommend my Agents: Howard Beder Jr. and Sr. They are fair, flexible, and will get you the best deal they can." - Kevin Hughes, Comedian - 02/28/2005
"Thank you endlessly for all the help and information, and particularly for giving such attention to my flight of the 26th Feb! You really make your acts feel 'well cared-for!' Thanks again!" - Chris Rich, Comedienne - 02/09/2005
"I have known and worked with Howard Beder Jr. and Sr. for almost 6 years. I worked for them in Atlantic City, and most recently on the ships, and I have to say that they have been supportive, honest and extremely friendly to deal with. I did sign an exclusivity agreement with them as I can't imagine finding agents who are more aggressive on my behalf or more accurate with vital information. Other agents I've dealt with always made me feel like I was bothering them with my particular concerns or problems that have inevitably come up, but they seem to genuinely want to help and are right there in the trenches. The bottom line is that agents are supposed to get you offers, maximize your benefits and be on your side when you need them the most. They are!" - James Brandon, Illusionist - 02/04/2004
"Howard (Sr.) is a very experienced comic in his own right, and he has shared much advice about working on the ships. I like Howard (Jr. & Sr.) A LOT! I find them both to be very professional as well as personable. I signed a cruise representation contract with FCE. After I met Howard (Jr. & Sr.) and I saw how they ran there operation, I didn't think twice about signing their contract. Howard got me work within the first month that we met each other." - Ross Bennett, Comedian - 01/27/2004
"I've been very happy with these young comedy store talents you've been able to find for us. I am convinced they're giving us an advantage that our competitors have not been able to match. Likewise, your ability to find us headline entertainers and keep them affordable, have proven to be an important part of our marketing strategy. Keep up the good work and lets meet again soon to discuss our summer plan as well as the chance of expanding your services into some of our other product lines, i.e., the theme special event functions you have suggested." - Robert Habeeb, General Manager, "Resorts USA Inc." - 04/03/1997
Planning, Producing and Artist Representation
First Class Entertainment, Inc., is a full service entertainment agency representing an outstanding lineup of international artists to fulfill all your entertainment needs. We provide entertainment and event planning for corporate events, casino and resort attractions and more. FCE offers performing artist representation and personal management as well.
Artists by Venue

Featured Artist

THE ULTIMATE ELVIS EXPERIENCE is the most successful touring Elvis tribute show in the world!

Need Representation? We are always looking for "First Class" established entertainers and fresh new faces. Click here to send us your information.